Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Welcome to the website of the CSUDH Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Use the Menu on the top left and feel free to browse.

Mission Statement

CSUDH Department of Chemistry provides world-class academic excellence – across the chemical society – by engaging a diverse student body and faculty in a dynamic learning environment. Our department provides cutting-edge research and is shaping the next generation of critical thinkers, scientists, and industry leaders.


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
SCI 324 
California State University, Dominguez Hills
1000 E. Victoria St.
Carson, CA 90747
Department's e-mail:
Telephone: (310) 243-3376


Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Website – created to help you navigate your chemistry courses or major here at CSUDH. 

CHE 110 Placement Exam Friday, April 11, 2024, 10am, location TBD

All Chemisty, Biochemistry, Biology, Kinesiology, and Clinical Science majors who wish to register for CHE 110 or BIO 120 must successfully complete CHE 108 at CSUDH or pass the Chemistry 11O Placement Exam.  The Placement Exam for Fall 2025 chemistry courses is Friday Aprill 11, 2025.

  • This test may be attempted only once per semester.
  • The test is one hour long.
  • There is no charge for this test.
  • There are no make-up exams for a missed session.
  • Current CHE 108 students are NOT eligible to take the exam.
  • We recommend that you enroll directly in CHE 108 if you haven't already had High School Chemistry.
  • We recommend that you wait to take any chemistry courses at all until you have passed developmental math (MAT 102 or MAT 103).
  • Space is limited, therefore reservations are required. Follow this link to reserve your seat for the CHE 110 Placement Exam:

Register for Courses

The majority of Chemistry and Biochemistry courses do not require permission numbers to register.  Students with the required requisites should be able to add classes without permission numbers once their registration date comes up. 


  • Pre-requisites: Check to make sure you have completed (passed with a grade of C or better) or are currently taking the required pre-requisite at CSUDH now to be able to register for the next lecture and/or lab. If you do not have the required pre-req, you will not be able to add the course. If you do have the required pre-requisite met but are still unable to add the course, you may contact the instructor to let them know. It is recommended you send an email to the instructor of record, and include proof (transcripts, screenshots, etc.) and they can offer a permission number to add once your pre-requisites have been verified.
  • Waitlists: If the course you want to add is FULL, you will have the option to be put onto a waitlist for the course. Do it! Adding to a waitlist lets the department know how many more students are interested in taking the course, and with enough waitlisted students, the Department can request to add another section. Please note that the waitlists evaporate at midnight the day before the new semester starts.  At that point, all waitlist priorities disappear.
  • Enrollment Issues/Can’t Enroll: PeopleSoft is the program you will be using to register, and it will be checking all pre-requisites. If you are not able to enroll you must contact your Major Advisor,  the Registrar’s Office, or Financial Aid.   Unless you are or were a transfer student and are not a current Chemistry or Biochemistry major who has not had your respective courses officially articulated from community college or institution, and approved by Admission and Records, then please email either the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry ( or the current Chair of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dr. Thangavel.  Chemistry and Biochemistry transfer majors can discuss this with their respective advisor to get this resolved during your meeting for advising and hold removal.  Department staff will NOT be issuing any Permission Codes unless asked by the Chair due to the nature of each case heard.


As always, all Chemistry and Biochemistry majors will need to meet with a Faculty Major Advisor before they will be able to register for classes. Major Advising is necessary to help make sure you stay on track for graduation, as well as to answer any questions you may have. Once you meet with your Major Advisor, they will remove your Advising Hold allowing you to register for classes once your registration date hits.

NOTE: Major Advising is different than other advising the University provides. Although some may be required, and all may be helpful, your hold will only be removed once you meet with a Major Faculty Advisor. You may choose any of the following major advisors. You may change advisors any time, or keep the same advisor you've met with before. New: try booking an appointment with these advisors through the Toro Success Collaborative first.  If you don't see their name or appointment availability, use the links below.

Chemistry & Biochemistry Major Faculty Advisors:


All faculty hold regular office hours during the regular instructional sessions: Fall, Spring. Have a look at your course syllabus for your instructor's office hours.  If you need to reach out to a faculty member but you don't know their office hours, feel free to contact them via their email.


All department major advisers should be able to help you select your GE courses.  However, if you need assistance selecting classes outside of your major for next term you have many options to help you.  

      Interested in a Health Career?  Let the Pre-Health Society help you on your journey. 


The department office staff is available via email, Monday - Friday 8AM to 5PM, or can be found most weekdays in SCI 324.

Destiny Arciga – Administrative Support Coordinator   (

If you need to meet with the Department Chair of the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department, Dr. Aru Thangavel, reach out to him by email to schedule a meeting.


Technology Resource/Laptop Loaner Program

    • Hundreds of laptops have been made available for check-out by students, faculty, and staff through the Technology Checkout Program. Additional equipment will continue to be added over the coming weeks to address critical university instructional and operational needs.

To set up various secure connectivity and access, as well as find links for software application access or request help with your technology, visit: